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We are diverse

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On this page we talk about how our community is

When something is diverse, lots of different people take part in it.

This includes people with different:

  • ages
  • abilities
  • backgrounds
  • beliefs.

Our diverse community

Being diverse makes our community:

  • interesting
  • exciting.

Everyone in our community has different:

  • experiences
  • histories
  • ideas
  • skills.

All these things:

  • make you different
  • are important to celebrate.

How being diverse supports our community

When a community is diverse, the people in it have lots of different:

  • ideas
  • skills
  • experiences.

It is important for communities to make decisions based on the experiences of everyone.

Not just one group.

For example, in the past many people with disability did not have a say in what decisions the community made.

When the community only makes decisions based on the experiences of one group, it means many people do not:

  • feel included
  • get the support they need.

Diverse communities are more likely to:

  • include everyone
  • support what everyone needs.

Diverse communities are also more likely to notice problems and find ways to fix them.

In diverse communities, everyone can learn about how other people experience life.

Example story

We wrote a story to show an example of a diverse community.

The story we wrote is about a person called Barb.

The story and the people in it are not real.

We made them up to explain how a community can be diverse.

Barb’s story

Barb takes part in a gardening group in her local community.

The people in the gardening group:

  • are different ages
  • use different languages.

For example, Barb uses Auslan.

Every month the gardening group eats dinner together.

Everyone brings food to share.

Also, the gardening group organises to come to all their events and meetings.

An interpreter is someone who:

  • uses your language
  • helps you understand what someone is saying.

This is so everyone can understand and take part.

The gardening group’s actions show that they care about:

  • their community being diverse
  • making sure everyone can take part.