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When you are not ready to leave a relationship

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On this page, we talk about how to stay safe when you are not ready to leave a

Your relationship with someone is how you are connected to them. 

For example, from your:

  • partner, like a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • friends
  • family.

This includes a relationship where you experience

Violence or abuse is when someone:

  • hurts you
  • scares you
  • controls you.

There is support available if the information on this page upsets you.

You can find out more on our page about support.

Why you might want to stay in a relationship

We know that leaving a relationship is not easy.

It is okay if you do not feel ready to leave a relationship where you are experiencing violence or abuse.

This includes if you are experiencing

Domestic and family violence is when someone close to you hurts you, such as:

  • your partner, like your boyfriend or girlfriend
  • a member of your family
  • someone who takes care of you
  • someone you live with.

You might want to stay because you are too scared to leave.

You might feel like there is no one to help you.

You might also rely on the person using violence or abuse for money.

Or you might rely on them for support.

For example, if they are your carer.

You might still care about the person who is using violence or abuse.

They might be kind sometimes.

And they might tell you they will not use violence or abuse again.

Sometimes people who use violence or abuse can change.

But they might not change.

And sometimes they can get worse.

It is never your fault that the violence or abuse is happening.

It is always the fault of the person using the violence or abuse.

How you can stay safe

If you are not ready to leave a relationship, you need to make sure you stay safe.

You can make a plan to be safe.

You can find out more on our page about how to be safe when you leave a relationship.

You can find out how the law can protect you.

For example, you could get a against the person who has hurt you.

A protection order is a legal document that helps protect you from domestic and family violence.

You can find out more on our page about legal help after experiencing violence or abuse.

Example story

We wrote a story to show an example of how to be safe when you are not ready to leave a relationship.

The story we wrote is about a person called Tori.

The story and the people in it are not real.

We made them up to explain how to be safe when you are not ready to leave a relationship.

Tori’s story

Tori has been with her boyfriend for 5 years.

Tori felt safe and happy at the start of her relationship.

But now Tori’s boyfriend sometimes uses violence and abuse.

Tori’s boyfriend:

  • says mean things
  • hurts her feelings.

This makes Tori feel sad and scared.

She hopes her boyfriend will change.

Tori does not feel ready to leave her boyfriend.

She only works 2 days a week.

This means she does not have money to support herself if she leaves right now.

Tori talks to a

A financial counsellor is someone who can help you plan how to manage your money.

They tell Tori about support she can get to manage her money if she decides to leave her relationship.

Tori also talks to a service who can give her support for domestic and family abuse.

They support Tori to make a plan to keep her safe.

Tori feels like she has somewhere safe to talk about her experiences now.